Friday, April 3, 2020

4/3 KG Virtual Learning

Read the OB newsletter.

It's April 3rd, 2020. Here is today's morning message. Here are the kindergarten lesson plans for next week. Don't forget to check out the KG resources page and print the document of QR codes so your child can access these resources on their own.

Today, our KG Class Zoom call is at 11:00. Click here to join! The password to join is kgzoom. 

I added another Flipgrid challenge. I'm loving seeing your videos and don't forget to comment on your friend's videos. Here is a video to learn how to use Flipgrid.

Try and get your child set up on SplashLearn for math. The students will really enjoy playing this game. I've included this site on the KG qr code document so your child can get there independently. I can see some of you have already started using it! You will need our class code UUXPBA and the student passwords are their first name. Here is a video to learn how to use this site.  

Here is a link to sign up for individual Zoom calls for the next few weeks. Once you sign up, I will send you an invite for your day and time. These are not mandatory, just if you feel it would be helpful or motivating for your child to connect with me one on one. They can read to me, show me their writing or math work, and talk to me about their homeschool experience so far.

Here are QR codes for Clever if needed.

Happy Friday KG families! I am so proud of everyone for supporting each other during these different times. If you need anything, reach out to my cell (985-789-4633) or email me at

Mrs. McGee