Thursday, October 25, 2018

Week 10!

SOAR Reward: Students brought in their stuffed animal this week and it traveled around the classroom to keep them company. 

Compliment Circle: We started today with our end of week compliment circle, either giving or receiving a compliment from our peers.

Go Noodle! Break: Sometimes we get up and DANCE to get the wiggles out :) Check out!

Reading: This week we continued to practice using our super reading powers. We practice retelling our stories and giving a book introduction. We also did some other reading skills such comparing and contrasting and looking at sentences verses sentence fragments. Students practiced reading out of their book boxes and reading to their partner. 

Literacy Centers: Students worked on middle vowel sounds in words at the ABC center this week. Students read Pumpkin Hill at the listening center and read books on their own independent level on Raz Kids and Epic using their iPads. At the pumpkin center, students wrote adjectives describing a pumpkin as well as did a "write the room" activity where they walk around the find words and write them on their clipboard that go with a theme (fall). 

Second Steps: Our second steps lesson this week talked about how two people can have different feelings about the same thing. We talked about how some people like some things that others may thing are scary.

We also read Lying Up a Storm. The book was about a little boy names Levi who was always telling little lies. His mom said his inside sun is going way and dark clouds are forming over him. We talked about what this meant and how lying gives you uncomfortable feelings. He was lying to sounds cool to his friends and make excuses for himself. In the end, he learned that lying just makes the situation worse and leaves you with stormy clouds above. It was a great lesson!

Making Pumpkins: We made pumpkins with different feelings. We wrote " _______ pumpkin feels _______." 

 Compliment Circle: This morning we had our compliment circle. Students either gave or got a compliment from a peer! Always a great way to start the morning at the end of our week.

Next week is Red Ribbon Week! On Wednesday, students may dress as a storybook character for Halloween if they choose. No scary costumes or weapons please.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Pumpkin Patch

Second Steps: This week we talked about being angry. We discussed how it is natural to feel angry and how it is an uncomfortable feeling. However, when we are angry, it is not ok to be mean or hurt others. We learned that the word empathy means feeling or understanding what someone else is feeling. Different scenarios were listed and students had to decide how it would make them feel.

Safe Touch Lesson: This week we had visitors from the NCADA come teach us an important lesson on safe touch. Students learned that is it never ok for anyone to touch your private parts. We learned that private parts are the parts our bathing suits cover. They did share that it is ok for a parent to touch them if helping to clean you or a doctor checking on your health. They learned to yell for help, run and tell a trusted adult. 


Writing: We are continuing our show and tell writing unit. We learned about being brave spellers. The three strategies are stretch it out, write one sound at a time, and use the resources around the classroom such as the word wall, sound charts and sight word lists. 

I modeled book talk using Wemberly Worried

Reading: In reading this week, we learned about our next super power which is Book Talk Power! We learned in give our partner an introduction to our book, telling them the title and a little bit about the story, but we also don't want to give the ending away! Next, we learned how to retell the story on our fingers using five-finger retell. We practiced sharing the beginning, middle and end of our story to our partner.

During our phonics lessons, we studied our ABC charts. We made our own ABC chart with pictures and created new hand motions to our new chart.

Enrichment: Mrs. MacLean came and did an activity where students had to cut out shapes and create an invention to help people. It was fun to see what they came up with!

Math: This week we continued learning about composing and decomposing numbers. We played many games composing two numbers to make another and decomposing one number into two numbers. We also review one to one correspondence and pairing number names with numerals as well as one less, one more.

Brain Break!

Calendar: Every day we review the date, weekday, and month as well as the patterns on the calendar.

Shirt Decoration: This week students painted their own shirts to wear to the pumpkin patch today. They are acrylic paint and sharpies and can be washed! 

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip:

What a great way to end our week! We had such a fantastic time today at Thies Farm's Pumkinland. The kids ran around and played for two hours, then we had lunch and returned safely to school.

Link to OB News: Newsletter