Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thankful Students

This week we read several Thanksgiving books and talked about what this upcoming holiday is all about. Students created turkey wreaths and thankful placemats. They wrote thankful books as well! Tuesday we watched Charlie Brown Thanskgiving as a special treat. Enjoy this special time with your family.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Earthquake Drill

Kindergarteners practiced an earthquake drill by getting under our desks and covering the backs of our heads. We then practiced evacuating the building as quickly and quietly as possible. I explained that it is unlikely but we need to be prepared for all scenarios which is why we have drills. They did an excellent job!


Friday, November 4, 2016

KG Story Museum

Today, KG writers choose a story to display in our Story Museum. Students walked around quietly and read one another's stories looking for things their peers have done well in their writing. Students also read some of their stories in the Authors Chair!



Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Each morning we do a 5-10 minute activity with the calendar program, Everyday Counts. In October, we graphed data and analyzed our results. Students each came up and graphed their favorite candy choice. We talked about which candy was the most and least favorite.