Saturday, May 29, 2021

Last Week of KG!

Walking out for the last time as kindergarteners!

Getting our kindergarten certificates!

Mrs. Roth came and said her goodbyes to us and told us about the new art teacher, Mrs. Herzog



Reading to our stuffies! 

Showing them what amazing readers we have become. 

We came outside for a fire drill! It was a surprise retirement celebration for our three teachers!

Choice Time!

In math this week, we played Kahoot on our iPads. 
It is a quiz game on everything we have learned this year

In writing this week, we worked hard on our memory books. 
Please take a look at all the pictures of your child from this year and put it in their memory box for them to look back on. 

Bubbles and chalk! Great fun was had by all!

Choice Time!

Black and White Day!

We sang Mr. Jim in our cafeteria a song and presented him with a gift card from the OB staff. 

Lunch Time!

Vowel hunting in our books and trying to hear short and long sounds in words

Sorting our words into vowel sounds


We talked about natural disasters this week. Students drew pictures and their peers had to guess which natural disaster they were illustrating. 

Movement Break!

Mrs. Roth! We love you!

Meeting our 1st grade teachers!

Ms. Kliethermes

Ms. Burroughs

Mrs. Castle

Mrs. Hunt

Happy Summer KG Families!

Thank you for the most amazing year. 
I will miss everyone so much!
Caroline McGee

May, 2021