Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Reading, Counting and Creativity!

We earned our first SOAR REWARD! We earned 100 soar tickets from the first two weeks of school. We voted today and earned extra choice time minutes tomorrow! Way to make strong choices KG!

Students were very excited to check out library books in our beautiful library today. They can be returned to our black cart inside the door any day of the week, but should be retuned by the next A day. You can check the OB calendar to see what day it is, and I will also try my best to send reminders home via email to remind you the day before they are due. 

Today, we learned how to use the Kids A-Z app, reading appropriate leveled books to help us become stronger readers! These books are engaging and full of sight words and decodable words. The students were so excited to try it!

In math today, we talked about the number 5. We practiced counting and finding things that were the same and different up on the board. We also learned how to play roll and record. Students rolled a dice, counted the dots and recorded their roll. Then we analyzed our graphs, which we rolled the most, the least, the same.

Today, our gifted teacher, Mrs. MacLean, came and did a fun, creative activity with us. She told us a story and then students had to use their creativity to create a page full of bubbles into a machine.  She will come in once a week to do activities with the students. These activities are part of the process to determine students that qualify for the gifted program next year.