Friday, March 15, 2019

Spring Break!

This week our lesson was about one boy who snatched the ball out of the other boys hand. We talked about how that made the boy feel and what would be the best way to solve the problem. We shared our own stories about when this happened to us and how it made us feel. 

We read the inspiring story called I am Human. We talked about how we are human and all humans show emotion. 

In reading, we are now talking about being avid readers of non-fiction books. We learned that we read non-fiction books differently than we read fiction books.  Students practiced reading non-fiction books and used post it notes to write down moments when we were wow'ed, questions we had, and found fancy vocabulary words. Then, we had a non-fiction book reading playdate sharing our post it notes and things we wanted our partners to know about our topic. 

In writing, we continue to work on our persuasive letters. Students are writing problems and supporting it with reasons or fix it ideas. I shared many of these at conferences with you.

In math, we worked on composing numbers and decomposing numbers using many different strategies: in our head, fingers, number lines, drawing a picture.

We enjoyed getting some fresh air on Wednesday since it felt like spring!

It was so nice to see all of you at conferences and share how much your child has grown since the start of the year. 

Happy Spring Break!