Friday, October 25, 2019

Week 11

Please read the OB Newsletter!

Trunk or Treat is still on, but they are still in need of cars decorated. As of now, there are 13 cars signed up, three of which are from OUR CLASS! Thank you to the Soshniks, Tuckers and Marsdens. It seems many people are going out of town this weekend so we are at low participation.

It was so nice to meet with everyone at parent teacher conferences. I really appreciate you taking the time to meet with me and chat about your child.

In reading this week, we practiced our blends chart and making words with beginning blends.  We also practiced writing sentences with lots of high frequency words (sight words.) We also continue to read out of our book boxes and read with fluency and try and decode tricky words using all of our reading super powers.


Coach Prange came in and helped us read our sight word poem one day this week after recess. It was great fun to have him help us learn to read.

Science: This week, we talked more about plants and their needs. We planted radish seeds and put it in the window to observe. We are excited to see what happens when we come back on Monday. 

Math: This week, we compared numbers and looked at how many more there were. We also talked about composing numbers to make new numbers. 

 Music class with Ms. Ladue!

Free Choice: We spent most of our days outside at free choice because the weather has been so beautiful!


- Fall Party is Thursday at 2:40. Costumes may be worn to school as long as they are "appropriate." Nothing scary and no painted faces or hair please. 

- Please send in a change of clothes and label all jackets.

Happy weekend!