I added a new Flipgrid challenge today!
We have a Class Zoom call today at 11:00am. Click here to join. The password is kgzoom. We will have one every Tuesday and Friday at 11:00. I've sent you invitations for you to add to your calendars for this week.
For Flipgrid, I added student passwords. The passwords are just the student's first name. I also have added QR codes so you can download the app on devices and the student can scan their qr code on their own and participate in these challenges. When you are adding videos to our KG FlipGrid, students can comment on their friend's videos by clicking the comment green circle button under the video. It is fun to leave comments for each other. Please try and get your child connected to Flipgrid as it's a wonderful way to stay connected.
Watch this video tutorial on how to use Flipgrid!
The video is for parents and students to watch and learn so we can interact more.
Thank you for all your support in helping our virtual school become our current reality.
Mrs. McGee