Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Virtual Learning Begins: Information Attached

Hi KG Families,

Thank you for being patient as we navigate how to provide online instruction for the next month.

Here are the Virtual Learning Lesson Plans for this week. Every Friday we will send out plans for the following week. All OB kindergarten families are receiving the same plans for consistency. We hope this layout is simple to follow. It is laid out by day and not every subject is to be done every day as you can see. The links are embedded so just click to access. Paper copies of the math packets are available to pick up at OB daily from 10:30-12:30. Completed work does not need to be turned in. However, you can email or text me a screenshot to show me so I can provide positive praise for your child. Here is a list of additional resources should you want to add more to your daily instruction.

As I mentioned previously, I will also be putting up FlipGrid challenges each day. This is a way for your child to still feel connected with me and their classmates. Click on this link to get to our flipgrid. There is a drop down menu of Topics to toggle in between the various challenges I've provided. I'll provide at least one each day.

Here are the QR codes you can use to access other apps and resources on Clever. These are resources our school has a subscription too. Cut out your badge and practice scanning to access. 

I am available daily from 8:30-4:00 for questions and support. Please text or email me at any time. I am at home attempting to home school my three children as well!

Thank you to our Ladue administration, our principals, my kindergarten teammates, all KG families and our technology specialist for all their constant support to make all this happen. Together, we are making this happen. 


Caroline McGee
Cell: 985-789-4633