Friday, January 24, 2020

Week 22

Please read the OB Newsletter.

This week we talked more about the important of asking a friend what happened, instead of accusing them of something. We talked about giving our friends the chance to explain themselves and seeing if it was an accident before assuming it was on purpose.

We also read Jamie is Jamie. This book is about breaking gender stereotyping. Jamie starts at a new school and proves to his friends that as a boy he can play anything. He played dolls, danced, and played with action figures. The other students followed his lead and started to realize there weren't "girl" or "boy" toys, but that they are open to play with anything their mind desires without judgement. We talked as a class if the students ever feel this way in our class. We talked about how it is not ok for anyone to tease others because of how they choose to play.

Math: This week, we worked on making numbers with tens and ones, starting to understand place value. We also worked on sequencing numbers in the right order and identifying what numbers come next or before. 

On Tuesday, we went to the MLK Jr. Day assembly. We learned more about Martin Luther King Jr. and listened to the OB Show Choir sing beautifully. Thank you to everyone who came out to support our service project on Monday. It was an amazing turnout and felt so good to help others!

Social Studies: This week, we learned about money. We talked about how adults have jobs that make money to provide for our families. I explained to the students all the things that we have to pay for to keep our families going! Students came up with a list of jobs. We examined money and sorted coins and dollars. 

Happy Chinese New Year! We colored to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the rat. Monday, wear RED to wish us all good luck! 

Snack Time!

In writing, we continue to write our How-To stories. I continue to model writing How To stories and show sample of kindergarten writing. Today, we talked about setting goals as writers. A goal may be writing lowercase letters, writing more sentences, rereading our writing to see if it makes sense, adding more labels and diagrams etc... 

Choice Time!


- Our field trip to the Magic House is on Tuesday. We will leave at 9:30 and be back for lunch. Please remember to pack a lunch for your child if that is what you marked on the form. 

- Please remind students to leave Pokeman cards and beyblades at home. These toys are a distraction to our days at school. Thank you for understanding. 

- If your child is complaining of any flu like symptoms, please keep them home and take them to the doctor. The flu is spreading rapidly throughout our school.