Thank you for the contributions for MLK Day! We could still use more juice boxes and fruit snacks so add it to your grocery list this weekend. It is a great way to teach your child about community service. Please join us on MLK day up at Old Bonhomme to participate in our annual day of service.
Math: This week we learned about skip counting. Students used number lines and manipulatives to help them practice skip counting by 2s and 5s. We learned that we can use tally marks to represent groups of 5.
Writing: This week we started a new genre of writing. I've read many books to the students modeling what a How To story looks like. We learned we write in steps to teach someone how to do something. Students are doing great with the new genre. We are remembering to write with lowercase letters and use spaces and paying attention to the vowels in our words. We learned in phonics that most all word should have a vowel.
Sight Words of the week:
Phonics: During phonics this week, we looked closely at vowels. We searched around the classroom for words with vowels, we searched in books, and we looked within our own writing.
In Social Studies, we looked at community maps and talked about directions, landmarks and right and left. We examined a community map of Olivette and even took a field trip to everybody's house or apartment via Google Earth!
Choice Time: On the beautiful days this week, we went outside during choice time to play! I love watching them enjoy the outdoors together.
On Fridays, we partner read during quiet time with our shoes off! The kids absolutely love this time reading together.
- Field trip is January 28th to the Magic House. Thank you to everyone for getting in the permission slips and payment.
- You can follow our PE teachers at and Art teacher at @obartstudio on Instagram.
- Please pack a change in clothes in case your child spills water or gets mud on their clothes. They are much more comfortable changing into their own clothes instead of getting clothes from the nurse. The clothes can be kept in their backpacks.