Friday, January 31, 2020

Week 23... more!

Please read the OB Newsletter!

Today we read a book about Coretta Scott King. We will be learning more about her next week and creating a Living Museum. It will be displayed in the library along with all the other classes Black History displays.

We are trying to collect donations for our local animal shelter. Thank you to those of you who brought in dog food today! We will be collecting through Valentine's Day!

We loved celebrating the 100th day of school this week!

Literacy Centers in full action!

Today, our 4H buddies came in and read with us. The 4th graders were so great with the kindergarten students. They each brought a book to read to their buddy, then KG students read to them. It was so wonderful to see!

Have a great weekend!

Caroline McGee

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Week 23- 100th Day and Field Trip!

On Monday, we celebrated the 100th Day of School!

Teams worked together to write 100 words around the classroom. Then, we tried to read 100 of our books. We completed both challenges!

We had six fun math centers having to do with the 100th day. Students built towers with 100 cups, stringed together 100 paper clips, placed number cubes into the 100s chart, placed 100 stickers in bubble gum dispensers, made necklaces with 50 or 100 beads, and played race to 100 board game. The students had so much fun doing these hands on activities!

We also aged to 100! We wrote about what we will be doing when we are all 100 :)

Our field trip was GREAT fun! We played in the community area. It was fun to look at all the different places in the community and think about all the different jobs there are. 

Career Day Presentation: 

Mr. Moore, Celia's dad, came in and shared with us all about his printing company. It was so fun to learn about his job! We got to design our own labels and received many fun stickers printer from his company. A big shout out to Brian Moore for coming in to share about his job. Thank you!