Friday, April 26, 2019

Earth Day!

This week we read two books for our social skills lessons. The first book was Rulers of the Playground. We talked about how it is not ok for others to tell you what you can and can't do out on the playground. I gave examples of kind ways and unkind ways to suggest playing things outside. Eventually, the kids did not want to play with the two rulers of the playground and they were left to play alone. The other book,  I Need a Hug, was all about a porcupine who needed a hug but no one would give him one because of his spikes. At the end the snake wanted a kiss and all the other animals were running from him. They gave each other a hug and filled each other's void. We talked about how the porcupine felt and was being judged by his appearance. The students love these books that help to teach social skills because they can easily relate to them and them apply the lesson to their lives.


During centers this week, I met with each student and listened to them read. They have grown so much as readers. Students continue to love rotating through the literacy centers and doing different activities to help advance their reading. 

During our whole group lessons, we have looked at the 1st grade habits for solving tricker words. We have been reading higher level books and working on using these strategies to solve them as we read. Students know the three questions we use when coming to a tricky words: does it look right? does it sound right? does it make sense?

Students continue to read for 10 minutes out of their book box with books just right for them. Then, they turn and read to their partner for 5 minutes. 

In writing, we have been continuing information writing. Students are writing about topics they are experts on. We have been working on writing a lead, detailed facts, and an ending. In our writing, we have tried to add warnings or suggestions along with writing with proper upper and lowercase letters and proper spacing. We have been looking at examples of K, 1st and 2nd grade examples to see where our writing will grow over the years. 

Thursday, the student "Principal of the Day" came in to read us a book! The students loved it.

We celebrated Earth Day on Monday be going on a Nature Scavenger Hunt, doing some arts and crafts and wearing our tshirts!

Today, we had Mrs. G (Old Bonhomme parent) come in and teach our first Junior Achievement lesson. These lessons are economics lessons. We talked about what the word "choice" means. They had to look at pictures and decide which they would want.  She also talked about money and the bank. We look forward to four more lessons with her this last month of school.

Choice Time!

Read the OB newsletter for for school information!