Today we read this book. It was a great story about when you are feeling sad YOU have to be the one to Start Acting Differently. It was a great story about a boy who was trying to fit in with kids who were popular, but treating him poorly. He learned to speak up for himself, walk away and explore new friends, and talk to an adult. He spoke with the counselor and his parents which helped to bring happy feelings to him again. I explained to KG when they have sad feelings that I am here for them to listen and encouraged them to talk to you at home.
Students headed to their OB Families on Wednesday. Students had a paper on their back and students went around and wrote words to lift up the person on their back. Ask your child about it!
We had a great time at the Missouri Botanical Gardens on Thursday.
Choice Time!
Reading: This week, we learned about becoming avid readers of poetry. We learned it is important to read the words, think about the meaning of the poem, and match the beat of the poem when reciting it. We practiced reading several poems.
Example of vowel pattern work done in small reading group
In writing, we wrapped up working on our persuasive letters on world problems.
This week we worked on planning a speech. We talked about what it looks like when giving a speech. We watched a video of a child giving a speech. WE learned that it is important to stand tall, use body language, show feelings, and speak loud so your audience can hear.
Students delivered their speech on Friday.