Read the OB Newsletter! Please join OB friends and family on Monday for our MLK Jr. Service service project in the gym. Read the newsletter for more details.
Class Meeting: Today we had our class meeting. We discussed the expectations and any classroom concerns. We also did our compliment circle to lift each other up!
Math: This week we dove into learning about place value. Students learned about the tens and ones place. We practice making numbers up to 100 using tens sticks and ones.
Writing: Mrs. McWilliams came back and did another fun arts integration lesson with us. We all sang our How To writing song to remember the key words First, Then, Next and Last. Then students worked with partners to draw out parts of a how to story. Last, students shared with the class.
Reading: This week we talked about scanning the page to look at all the words you already know on the page and zooming in with a magnifying glass at the tricky words. We gain so much confidence when we can recognize so many of the words already on the page! We also took a look at ABC books which have a letter on each page with themed ABC words. For example, one book is about food and one about community helpers. Students played "Guess Whats Next" where they had to guess what word would be on the next page based on the letter and theme of the book.
Sight Words of the Week:
Theme: Ruby Bridges & MLK Jr.
This week we read books about these two influential people. At OB, each class is learning about an influential African American person and making a living museum. Thank you to those of you who have signed up to contribute to our museum of Ruby Bridges. We also read books and examined portraits to learn more about these two people.