Studying names and learning so much while we do!
Students have improved so much in letter identification, letter sounds, writing letters, understanding of syllables and letter formation.
Celebrating Mr. Woolfolk today!
Enjoying outside!
Sorting rocks like scientist!
Choice time choice board
We read this book and talked about being two emotions at one time.
Drawing ourselves as scientist with our tools we practiced using
Studying our J names! There were four!
Morning Meeting! Picking pumpkins with our names on them and asking one another a question to learn more about one another
We welcomed our new student! Everyone was so excited and kind to our new friend.
Mrs. MacClean came to do another fun enriching activity.
We read this book about acceptance.
Learning new words!
We read this to learn about tattling versus reporting.
Buddy reading
Practicing using tools scientist use!
We read this book about gender stereotyping.
Learning about writing partners!
Studying our C names!