Thursday, December 3, 2020

Week 15

We made more memories this week in KG! I love being with this group each day. 


Quizzing each other!


Quiet time: reading our books independently or to a partner

Making shapes and describing their attributes

Writing: learning about planning sentences and taking one word at a time, and learning about what makes writing easy to read 


Finding and identifying flat shapes and solid shapes (2D and 3D)



We are using our pointer power, reread power, partner power, and picture power!

We continue to talk about empathy and compassion. 

Waiting outside at carpool!

Playing soccer at choice time!

Making our Passports to travel around the world. This week, we traveled to Nigeria in Africa. 

Checking out books in the library with Mrs. Kelley. 

Music class with Mrs. Solomon

Being creative in math class, making houses out of our shapes. 

Reading our shared reading books with our pointer power.

Playing outside!

Matching shapes and playing games with our partners

Practicing writing our sight words

Scavenger hunt finding things around the room that start with the letters of our alphabet

Playing games during choice time

Zooming with Miss Leah from NCADA during counseling time. 
We talked about letting others know our emotions and how we are feeling. 

New reading nook!

Reading our shared reading books to one another

Practicing reading and writing our sight words!