Friday, December 6, 2019

Week 17

Please read the OB Newsletter. 

This week, our social skills lesson was about how to calm down. We looked at a girl who spilled paint all over her picture she painted. We talked about how she was feeling and how she could calm down. We practiced stopping, naming our feeling, and taking deep belly breaths. We also talked about counting down and using positive self talk to move on from situations. We have this poster hanging in our room to remind us of how to calm down when our emotions or feelings become escalated.

In reading this week, we talked more about having appropriate book talk with our peers.  We read these wonderful stories about culture and traditions, then I modeled appropriate book talk. We learned we can tell retell the story to our friends across our fingers, talk to them about the characters and their feelings, and share the setting. I also modeled I wonder, I think and I notice statements as I read and after I read to show students how to use these sentence starters to talk about their book. 


Students have been reading independently, with partners and groups. 

We also learned about sight words in disguise. We talked about the different endings on words: -es/-s, -ing, -ed.

In phonics, we've been learning all about word families. Students have been coming up with rhyming words in various families such as cat, rat, hat, bat, mat. We've also been looking closely at digraphs, which are two letters together that make a different sound such as ch, wh, sh, and th. 


Students reading a rhyming book in their rug clubs. 

Students doing a rhyming exercise video.

In math this week, we have learned more about 3d or solid shapes. Students created something in their rug clubs with the 3D shapes and also traced the sides of the shapes to show how many faces each 3D shape has. 

 In writing, we have transitioned back to writing narratives. I am modeling the process of thinking and planning out a story before you write. We are learning how to plan a sentence in our heads, then write that same sentence on paper. We also are trying to make our writing more readable by putting spaces in between words and stretching out our words.

We enjoyed the beautiful sunny weather for choice time this week and some indoor time today.


- Send in permission slips with lunch form and payment this coming week. 

- Walk in the Park is Wednesday at 9:00 at Stacy Park. 

- Winter parties are December 20th at 10:00 with early dismissal at 1:15. 

- Please send in a snack for your child each day!