Please read the OB Newsletter!
SNOW on Monday was super exciting! We went out and felt it and caught snowflakes on our tongues.
This week we talked more about recognizing our own feelings. We talked about various feelings and how our body might feel. We may feel our heart beating fast, or our body getting warmer, or our head or tummy hurting. We recognized that all these feelings are uncomfortable feelings. Then, we talked about how important it is to talk about our feelings to an adult. We brainstormed who we could talk to: mom, dad, teacher, grandparent, aunt, uncle, counselor, principal.
Today in our class meeting, we talked about making strong choices even though others may not be. We started to read the book below and will finish Monday.
In science this week, we learned this week about invertebrates. We learned they have no backbone. Students examined invertebrates and had to classify the animals based on the 6-3-2 rule (6 legs, 3 main body parts, 2 antennae.) We also talked about how animals live in environments that meet their basic needs. Friday, we learned that we need plants and animals to provide humans food. We had a discussion about what food comes from where. Some students were a bit surprised that meat came from certain animals!
In reading, we continued reading ABC books, using the correlating words with the letter page. We also learned the importance of self monitoring while we read asking "Does that sound right?" and "Does that make sense?" We have to go back and self-correct our mistakes when we read.
In math, we continued our work with teen number using ten frames. Students have a much better understanding of teen numbers now. We have been playing several games on to help deepen our number sense. Your child can play these at home as well!
In writing, we are working on forming sentences with capital letters at the beginning of the sentence, lowercase letters throughout the rest, spacing between words, and knowing where to place a period. We also are becoming better writers by hearing more sounds in our words as we say the word slowly and stretch it out with our letter-sound knowledge.
Choice Time play!
- The Giving Assembly is an annual tradition at OB. We collect cans and non-perishable food items as well as gently used clothing and toys. You could talk with your child about what it means to "give" and help others less fortunate than us and have them select a few things to bring in to donate so they can feel proud of themselves when we have the assembly next Tuesday.
-We will have a field trip to The Magic House to learn about community helpers in January. Permission slips coming home soon in December. We will need some volunteers. I will send out an email soon to see if anyone would be interested in attending. There will be another field trip in April to the Missouri Botanical Gardens as well.
- Please make sure your child has coats, gloves and hats for the winter season as we go outside daily for PE and recess as long as its 20 degrees or above.
- Remind your child to keep all toys and Pokeman cards at home as they are a major distraction and cause problems in our classroom.
Enjoy your weekend!
- Caroline McGee