Today, we read David Goes to School and talked about strong and weak choices at school. Then, we read First Day Jitters and talked about how we were all feeling. Most students were happy and excited about today!
The students learned all about the cafeteria expectations and had lunch. Please remember if they are ordering sack lunch this week to let them know. Then, they went outside to play. It was a hot one today!
Later, we went to music class with Miss Ladue. Ask them what they did in music class today?
When we returned, we had rest time. Students got a special rest spot and took three books to look through or closed their eyes and listened to peaceful music. Please have your child bring a small blanket or towel. Please leave stuffed animals and pillows at home as we don't have much space and don't want to risk losing precious stuffies!
After rest, we had snack. Please remember snacks must be fruit or veggies, or in a store bought bag. Snacks can contain no tree-nuts. Students can have nuts at lunch. Next, we made our first day of school crowns! Last, we learned about choice time. There were four options today: sand, legos, kitchen, and costumes.
I hope your child had a wonderful day today. I look forward to tomorrow!