What a great week in class. The kids are all getting to know one another and let their personalities shine. Every week we have a social skills lesson on Monday and wrap up the week with a class meeting. Today, we had our first class meeting. We talked about the expectations and goals for our meeting. We started off with a compliment circle. I pull sticks with each child's name and we think of compliments for each person for the week. Then, we discuss any classroom problems we had this week and talk about how we solved them or could solve them in the future. Last, we pulled a question from the Question Box and today it was, "What does it mean to be a good role model?" Everyone had the chance to add to the conversation.

Last, we read a book that targets our class's needs. I read Keep Calm! to remember that we all have stresses and worries in our lives. We need to make sure we don't have too much on our plate and remember ways to destress. The book talked about eating dinner or breakfast as a family to talk about our days, exercising and eating healthy.
Phonics: This week we continued our name study. We learned about syllables and vowels vs. consonants this week. We looked carefully at each person's name and looked at how some names are the same and different. We looked at words and decided it they started with a certain letter sound or not. We watched short videos to learn the letters kinesthetically with our bodies.
For reading this week, we learned that rereading is important. We can learn from the pictures and the words. Student's practiced reading with expression in their voices to partners, reading like a teacher. We practiced looking at the words and seeing if we could find our sight words in our books: a, I, like, am. Today, we practiced reading the classic, The Three Billy Goats Gruff. I modeled how to read the story just by looking at the pictures. Then the students practiced with their partner.
Music class: Students were playing duck, duck, goose with Miss Ladue when I picked them up.
In social studies, we created a collage of our families. We learned about the word responsibility and disagreements.
Math: This week, we continued to develop our number foundation of numbers 1-5. We practiced counting and drawing the numbers.
Brain Break!!
Of course we ended our day with choice time! For some reason I didn't take any photos this week. I guess we were all having too much fun!
Thank you for sending in headphones for your child. I appreciate you helping us out so we have more pairs.
If you would like to send in a family picture, please do so we can add you to our shelf!
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Mrs. McGee
From the art teacher:
This year the art studio will continue to collect Boxtops! Boxtops are a great way to earn a little extra cash for our school. Each Boxtop is worth 10 cents and they add up fast! The art studio is offering a crayon eraser to any student that collects 25 boxtops. There are collection sheets outside the art studio to help you count or you can simply put the 25 boxtops in a baggie with your name and class on the bag.
Bring your collections to the art studio and Mrs. Roth will give you the crayon shaped eraser.
Thank you for supporting the art program, arts integration and
special assemblies at Old Bonhomme through the Boxtops program!
Love, Mrs. Roth