Friday, December 7, 2018

Busy Week in KG at OB!

Week 16

Second Steps: We did not have a lesson this week, however this week we talked a lot about goal setting and how we can all have personal goals and class goals. I talked about how adults have goals too because we all have something we can improve on. We created a class goal chart and are working on the these goals. We went around the circle in our class meeting and each thought of a personal goal to work on as well. 

This morning, we read I Just Want to Do It My Way. It is about a boy who wants to do everything his way and gets behind in his work because he is never finishing. He learns how to ask for help from his parents and his teacher. 

Hour of Code: On Tuesday it was Hour of Code day. Mrs Brown, our tech teacher, came and taught us how to use the Spheros. These are little robotic balls that can be controlled by an app of the iPad. The students were introduced to them and controlled them like a joystick on the iPad. Students then created a maze and had to steer the Sphero through the maze. Later we will learn more about them, creating a path for them to travel when we start our shapes unit. 

Mrs. MacLean came and did another enrichment activity with us this week.

Today, for rest we rested in our cozy pajamas on the carpet together and watched a few storybooks on the SmartBoard.

This week we read several stories about Hanukkah. We talked a little bit about the history of it and why people of the Jewish religion celebrate it. Our friends in class who celebrate this holiday shared a how their families celebrate.

Sight Words: This week we focused on the words look and said

Writing: During writing this week we went back to writing narratives and we continue to talk about what makes writing easy to read. We created this chart below. I hope you had a chance to look at your child's writing that came home this week. They are really growing as writers!

In phonics, we are looking at rhyming words and how they can help us spell other words we may not know how to spell. If I know how to spell pin, I could use that to help me spell spin or chin. We are coming up with real and nonsense words with the same endings. Students come up and write beginning sounds or blends to create new words. 

Math: This week we talked about putting numbers 0-20 in numeric order and comparing numbers which is fewer and greater. We also continue to practice teen number recognition and using ten frames to make these numbers. We also  learned some new games from Greg Tang Jr. himself. The district had him come and do some professional development with the staff and run Math Night on Thursday night. Please visit and explore the games Ten Frame Mania, Num Tanga and How Many. These are all games that correlate well with what we have recently learned in class.

Read the OB newsletter to hear more about the week at OB!

If you are on Instagram, be sure to follow @OBeagles,, @obartstudio to see pictures from daily OB activities!