Friday, December 21, 2018

Winter Break!

First off, a big thank you to all KG families for coming together to get me such special gifts today. I was overwhelmed with love! A big shout out to Jenn Tuttle for organizing another amazing party and researching all the things I love to make the gifts so personalized.

Second Steps: This week, we discussed how it is ok to feel angry, but its not ok to hurt someone. This lesson showed the example below of a boy who ripped this book out of the other boys hands. We problem solved what he could do to help deescalate his anger. We continue to practice deep breathing throughout the day.

Math: This week we review two dimensional shapes and learned more about three dimensional shapes. We examined each shape and counted edges and corners. We did some engaging math centers this week including shape memory card game, making shapes with geoboards, activities in our math books, and playing Ten Frame Mania on 

Holiday Fun: We had a special visitor this week that came and read us a Gingerbread Man story. The students took guesses but couldn't figure out who it was. It was my mom! She used to teach at Old Bonhomme so it was very special for her to come read a story and help us with our holiday craft. Be sure you open your child's brown bag they decorated for your special gift. 


Theme: This week our theme was Gingerbread Man. We read many different versions on the book and compared them. We also talked about characters, setting, problem and solution. On Monday, a gingerbread man appeared in our room and kept running closer to the door this week and finally escaped on Thursday afternoon! Today, Coach Jander found him running out on the sidewalk and returned him to us. It was a dramatic return and the kids absolutely LOVED IT! 

Polar Express Day: On Thursday, we had Polar Express Day! Students wore their cozy pajamas and in the afternoon we went to Mrs. Harrison's classroom to buddy up with our 4th grader. The 4th graders love their kindergarten buddy so much and vise versa. Students listened to the book first, then we watched the movie. Mrs. Harrison and I served "hot" chocolate (chocolate milk) to the students. It was great fun and great memories were definitely made. More pics to come later...

Holiday Party: The students had a delicious snack then split into three stations. At the stations they made holiday snowman (which will come home after break because I forgot to get them off the drying rack), played a snowman game with cotton balls, and a mystery gingerbread game. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make today possible! The kids had an absolute blast. 


Watch the Show Choir Program the students watched today in the gym.

Please read the OB Newsletter to stay up with the latest news

OB Staff Plaid Family Photo :)


Sunday, December 16, 2018

Don't Squeal :)

Second Steps: This week we talked about feeling overly excited and out of control. We discussed ways to calm down, referring again to our calm down poster. 

We also read this book about tattling. Now that KG is quite comfortable with each other, there has been a rise in tattling. The story is all about students who are constantly telling on each other and they drive their teacher crazy! The teacher creates a new rule, "Don't squeal unless its a big deal."

Reading: This week I continued to model reading stories from RazKids on the SmartBoard. The students read along with me helping me to solve tricky words. These books have high frequency words and patterns to help students become stronger readers. Students continue to independent read and partner read daily from their book box with leveled books that are just right for them. 

Holidays: This week we learned about St. Lucia day on Dec. 13th. We made crowns with lights like the kids do in Sweden to celebrate. 

We also learned about the Mexican holiday, Las Posadas, which happens next week leading up to Christmas.

Math: In math, we began to explore 3D shapes and how their faces are made of 2D shapes we already know. We used iPads to take pictures of 3D shapes in our classroom.

We did some work in our math activity books for some independent practice.

NCADA: Mrs. Williams came and did a lesson with us on identifying feelings. The students love working with her!

Writing: Students continued writing narratives this week. We talked this week about story words such as One raniny day, next, then, finally to move the story along. We also learned that most all words have vowels, so we need to double check we hear the vowel in every word when writing. Students received a vowel chart to keep in their writing toolkit.

Choice Time: Students choose 4 or 5 choices each day to do at the end of the day from 3-3:30. Every other day they have the chance to play reading and math games on the iPads as well as some creative apps.


Friday is early release day at 1:15!

Library is on Tuesday therefore please return all library books.