Friday, November 9, 2018

KG Voted and Saluted

Second Steps: This week we talked about the word compassion. We learned that compassion is empathy in action. We talked about this photo and how one boy is showing compassion and checking on him to see if he is ok. 

This morning we read Lacey Walker, Non Stop Talker. She never stopped talking until she lost her voice. She realized how much other people had to say and how much she got accomplished when she had no voice. It made her rethink her talking and allowed her to become a strong listener. I shared that in our class, we have been talking more at times when we are supposed to be listening. We have become comfortable with one another and it is now easier to be social. We talked about times that it is ok to talk, and when we should be listening. 

Reading: This week in reading we talked a lot about solving tricky words and how to figure out what sounds right. We discussed the strategies below. We read many books and I covered words. The students have to solve the words using the strategies below.

Polls: On Monday, students visited the voting booth and voted. You can see some of the questions on the ballot below. 

Phonics: This week during phonics we did some interactive writing. Students practiced writing sentences on their whiteboards that were full of sight words. They did an amazing job! We worked on uppercase letter at the beginning and lowercase throughout and a period at the end of our sentences.

Literacy Centers: During centers, students practice reading and do word work in many different forms.

Celebrate Diwali: On Wednesday, we made lanterns and learned a little bit about Diwali. We watched a BrainPop video and had a few friends in class share what they did with their families to celebrate.

Veteran's Day: We talked briefly about Veteran's Day Thursday and Friday. We talked about what a veteran in and why we celebrate the day. We talked about words to describe veterans.

Math: In math, we dove into our size and shape unit. We did activities with different sizes and talking about how predicting how many may fit in a given space. We predicted how many teddy bears fit in a students shoe and how many balls fit into a box, then found out the actual number. Next, we talked about positional words such as under, over, behind, between, in back in front, outside of, inside of etc.. Students had to practice placing their teddy bear on various spots on their table.

Writing: Students continue to work on their Show and Tell writing pieces. They are writing about things and places they like and trying to share about them thinking about their senses. Explain what it looks like, sounds like, feels like etc...

Giving Assembly: Please read about the Giving Assembly in the OB newsletter. Students can begin bringing things in to donate on Monday!

Important Reminders

- Read the OB newsletter :)

- Please sign the permission slip coming home next week so your child can participate in our next SOAR reward, recess at Stacy Park! 

- Walk in the Park is next Wednesday at 9:00. If you want to join your child at Stacy Park, please meet us over there. 

- Wear red, white and blue on Monday to honor our Veterans. 

- You are invited to Old Bonhomme Elementary's first Math Night! Put it on the calendar December 6th, 2018 from 6-7pm.