Friday, August 27, 2021

First Week of Kindergarten!

 What an amazing first week of school! I love each and every one of my students so much. It has been so much fun to get to know everyone this week. Here is a photo diary of our week!

We read The Colors of Us then created this!

We read Who's In My Family and shared our family photos

We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and made these trees!

We drew who is in our families!

We read this book and graphed how we go home from school

We read Chrysanthemum and talked about how our names are unique and special to each of our identities. 

We read My Name is Alice and talked more about our names!

We learned how we do rest time and read quietly

We read First Day Jitters the first day and talked about how we were all feeling

We have morning play at the start of our day and choice time at the end of our day!

SMILE! It's your first day of kindergarten!

I'm so thankful for each of your children! 

We are going to have a wonderful year together.