Thursday, October 27, 2016
Sometimes we need to get the wiggles out in KG! We use GoNoodle, a website that gets the kids moving and grooving. They dance and sing, then earn parts to add to their avatar.

Election Day at OB
Students went to the library Wednesday for a mock election. They had to show their voter registration card and vote for one of the presidential candidates.

Monday, October 24, 2016
Interactive Writing
Today we read "Why Do Leaves Change Colors?" And watched a video explaining the process as well. Then, we brainstormed on our can, have, are chart. For example, students wrote Leaves can _____ (change, fall, turn colors.)

Thursday, October 20, 2016
Thies Farm Field Trip
Today, we had a wonderful time at the pumpkin patch. Students ran around on the pumpkin playground, then took a hayride through the pumpkin fields. We ate lunch there on picnic tables, then returned to school. Thank you to all involved! It was a successful trip!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Pointer Power
Students are making amazing progress in their reading by using all the skills we are learning in our whole group reading lessons. We are working on our pointer power, using our finger to read and point at one word at a time. We then practiced our partner power! Students read with a partner and one person reads while the other one points. They can help one another out with "kryptonite" words or recognizing our "snap" (sight) words.

Sunday, October 16, 2016
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Firemen Visit Kindergarten
The Olivette fire department came Tuesday to talk to Kindergarten about fire safety. Students got a tour of the fire truck as well as watched the firemen dress up in their fire gear. We learned all about fire safety and hope you had the chance to do your fire safety homework at home!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Field Day!
The kindergarteners has a blast at Field Day yesterday! Thank you to Kathryn Tung for providing me with photos from the day. Students rotated around to stations to learn a bit about our country then play a related game. It was beautiful weather and a very organized event. Thanks to all who were able to volunteer. We hope your child had a blast and came home with stories to share.
Monday, October 10, 2016
Math Partner Game
Today, students worked in partners for a math activity. They were given a stack of cards and had to put cards together and explain why they put them in a group. They were to use size words such as large, medium and small. For example, they might have put together the large, medium and small elephant or they could have put all the small animals together.

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